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2005.09~2008.07  中科院植物所 植被与环境变化国家重点实验室 博士

2002.09~2005.07  东北师范大学 草地研究所 硕士

1998.09~2002.07  东北师范大学 生命科学学院 学士


2024.01~至今  华体会网,搜狗百科 林学院 教授、博士生导师

2020.09~2023.12  华体会网,搜狗百科 林学院 副教授、博士生导师

2016.03~2020.09  中科院植物研究所 植被与环境变化重点实验室 副研究员 

2008.07~2016.03  中科院植物研究所 植被与环境变化重点实验室 助理研究员

2014.04~2015.04  荷兰皇家生态研究所 陆地生态学学科 访问学者




[1]     科技论文写作


张乃莉 教授、博士生导师。2008年获得中国科学院植物研究所博士学位、并留所任职12年。在此期间,赴荷兰皇家生态研究所(2014年)、德国马丁路德大学(2016)进行学术访问。2020年,作为双一流人才引进,入职华体会网,搜狗百科。


业绩概述:自2020年以来,主持了多项国家级与省部级项目,作为第一或通讯作者在MicrobiomeSoil Biol BiochemGeodermaEcol ManagSCI期刊发表21篇学术论文。培养2名博士后,均顺利出站并获批博士后基金及青年基金;培养2名在读博士研究生和多名硕士研究生多人,指导多名本科生中,1人荣获北京市优秀毕业设计奖、6人获批得国家级、北京市或校级大学生创新创业项目。


[1] 国家重点研发计划(子课题),碳汇形成与维持的地上-地下关联机制及调控技术(2023YFF1304003-02),60万元,2023/12-2027/11, 主持。

[2] 北京市自然科学基金委面上项目,北京东灵山暖温带森林生物多样性对土壤碳组分的调控机制(5222016),20万元,2022/1-2024/12,主持。

[3] 国家自然科学基金委面上项目,亚热带森林物种多样性丧失对植物存活和生长的影响及其驱动机制 (32071644),58万元,2021/1-2024/12,主持。

[4] 中国科学院战略先导专项/项目三/第四课题,生物多样性与生态系统功能对全球变化的响应(XDB31030400),900万元,2018/7-2023/6,主持(课题与子课题负责人,调入北林后为课题共同负责人)。

[5] 中德博士研究生联合培养项目(TreeDì)/子课题6,2018-2021,子课题中方共同负责人。

[6] 国家重点研发计划重点专项/第三课题, 典型森林群落生态多样性维持及其对全球变化的响应(2017YFA0605103),80/552万元, 2017/7-2022/6,参与。

[7] 中国科学院战略先导专项培育项目/子课题,物种丧失对生态系统结构和功能的影响(XDPB020307),90万元,2017/7-2018/7,主持。

[8] 国家自然科学基金委面上项目,亚热带森林土壤微生物多样性的植物-土壤反馈机制研究(31670535),62万元,2017/1-2020/12,主持。

[9] 城市与区域生态国家重点实验室开放基金, 北京城市公园典型植物-土壤反馈机制研究(SKLURE2017-2-4),12万元,2017-2019,主持。

[10] 植被与环境变化国家重点实验室“生物多样性与生态保育研究群”项目,亚热带森林多营养级多样性对生态系统功能的影响,8.6万元,2018/1-2018/12,参与。

[11] 植被与环境变化国家重点实验室优秀青年培育基金项目,6万元, 2017/3-2017/12,主持。

[12] 植被与环境变化国家重点实验室“生物多样性与生态保育研究群”项目,亚热带森林土壤微生物及其介导的生态系统功能在植物-土壤反馈中的作用,19万元 2016/3-2017/12,主持。

[13] 国家自然科学基金委国际合作项目(中德合作研究小组项目),亚热带森林地上植物多样性与地下微生物多样性及生态系统功能关系的研究,€134,782和¥884,611, 2014-2017,参与。

[14] 国家自然科学基金委面上项目,中亚热带森林土壤微生物多样性对植物物种共存关系的影响(31270559), 83万元,2013/1-2016/12,主持。

[15] 中国-德国-瑞士“森林生物多样性功能研究”合作项目(第三期)/子课题13,2014-2016,子课题中方负责人。

[16] 植被与环境变化国家重点实验室自由探索项目(LVEC),中亚热带森林生态系统细根分解机制研究,22.5万元,2011/1-2013/12,主持。

[17] 中国科学院知识创新工程项目,全球气候变化背景下土壤碳氮转化的微生物机制(KZCX2-YW-JC401),10万元,2010/1-2012/12,参与。

[18] The fund of the International Foundation for Science (IFS 项目),内蒙古典型草原生态系统土壤微生物群落结构对不均衡增温的响应与适应(C/4783-1), $12,000,2010/1-2010/12,主持。



[1] Yumei Pan, Yanhong Wang, Xiaobin He, Sirong Zhang, Xinzhang Song, Naili Zhang*. 2024. Plant–soil feedback is dependent on tree mycorrhizal types and tree species richness in a subtropical forest. Geoderma 442: 116780.

[2] Shulei Chen, Luxiang Lin, Yun Deng, Shengdong Yuan, Naili Zhang*. 2024. Tree species richness and mycorrhizal types drive soil nitrogen cycling by regulating soil microbial community composition and diversity in tropical forests. Forest Ecology and Management 569: 122187.

[3] Beiping Liu#, Chunhuan Li#, Xiuhai Zhao, Chunyu Zhang, Xinyi He, Laiye Qu, Naili Zhang*. 2024. Contrasting patterns of fungal and bacterial endophytes inhabiting temperate tree leaves in response to thinning. Journal of Fungi 10: 470.

[4] Hao Hu, Laiye Qu, Siqi Tao*, Naili Zhang*. 2024. Differential effects of urbanization-induced heavy metal pollution on soil microbial communities under evergreen and deciduous trees. Pedobiologia 107: 150999.

[5] 何欣怡,潘玉梅,祝燕,陈佳仪,张思榕,张乃莉*. 2024. 暖温带森林外生菌根树种优势和植物多样性对土壤氮素周转的影响. 生物多样性 24173.

[6] 胡学鹏,幺中元,张乃莉*.2024.古田山亚热带常绿阔叶林凋落物分解及养分释放动态.生态学报 44: 8584-8594.

[7] Siqi Tao, G.F.(Ciska) Veen, Naili Zhang*, Tianhe Yu, Laiye Qu*. 2023. Tree and shrub richness modifies subtropical tree productivity by regulating the diversity and community composition of soil bacteria and archaea. Microbiome 11:261.

[8] Hong Lin, Sirong Zhang, Xiaojuan Liu, Keping Ma, Naili Zhang*. 2023. Subtropical forest tree genetic richness causes contrasting effects on soil fungal guilds in monocultures and mixed-species stands. Forest Ecology and Management 545: 121285.

[9] Yin Zheng, Chunyu Zhang, Xiuhua Fan*, Naili Zhang*, Xiuhai Zhao, Klaus von Gadow. 2023. Effects of tree density and herbaceous plants on tree seedling survival across the growing and non-growing season in a temperate forest. Forest Ecology and Management 545: 121234.

[10] Yunxia Zhang, Bin Cao, Yumei Pan, Siqi Tao*, Naili Zhang*. 2023. Metabolite-mediated responses of phyllosphere microbiota to rust infection in two Malus Species. Microbiology Spectrum 11: 1-17.

[11] Haolei Xiong, Naili Zhang*, Koike Takayoshi, Siqi Tao, Laiye Qu*.2023. Tree mycorrhizal types and the interaction between tree and shrub species richness shape soil fungal communitiesin a subtropical forest in China. Plant and Soil493: 61-77.

[12] 陈玺洋,潘玉梅,齐志远,王袼,王常慧,张乃莉*. 2023. 北方农牧交错带温性盐碱化草地土壤碳组分对模拟增温的响应机制. 生态学报 43: 1-14.

[13] Ting Tang#, Naili Zhang#, Franca J Bongers,Michael Staab, Andreas Schuldt,Felix Fornoff, Hong Lin, Jeannine Cavender-Bares,Andrew L Hipp, Shan Li, Yu Liang, Baocai Han, Alexandra-Maria Klein, Helge Bruelheide, Walter Durka, Bernhard Schmid, Keping Ma, Xiaojuan Liu. 2022. Tree species and genetic diversity increase productivity via functional diversity and trophic feedbacks. eLife 11: e78703.

[14] Siqi Tao, Yunxia Zhang, Chengming Tian, Duplessis S, Naili Zhang *. 2022. Elevated ozone concentration and nitrogen addition increase poplar rust severity by shifting the phyllosphere microbial community. Journal of Fungi 8: 523.

[15] Siqi Tao, Haiyue Yin, Yue Fang, Yunxia Zhang, Naili Zhang*, Laiye Qu*. 2023. Elevated O3 concentrations alter the compartment-specific microbial communities inhabiting rust-infected poplars. Environmental Microbiology 25: 990-1006.

[16] He X, Shao C, Wu A, Xia L, Li TT, Pei J, Zhang NL*, Wang YH*. 2022. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi enhance nutrient acquisition and reduce aluminum toxicity in Lespedeza formosa under acid rain. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 29: 29904-29916.

[17] Hong Lin, Yinong Li, Helge Bruelheide, Sirong Zhang, Haibao Ren, Naili Zhang*, Keping Ma*. 2021. What drives leaf litter decomposition and the decomposer community in subtropical forests: the richness of the above-ground tree community or that of the leaf litter?Soil Biology & Biochemistry 160: 108314.

[18] 戴梓潇, 陈国科, 张乃莉*, 马克平. 2022.中国森林附生维管植物多样性数据集. 生物多样性 30: 22332.

[19] Yumei Pan, Yao ZY, Naili Zhang*, G.F (Ciska) Veen. 2021. The role of soil-borne fungi in driving the coexistence of Pinus massoniana and Lithocarpus glaber in a subtropical forest via plant-soil feedback. Journal of Plant Ecology 14: 1189-1203.

[20] 潘玉梅,张乃莉*. 2021. 亚热带森林树种多样性对凋落叶分解胞外酶活性的影响.植物多样性. 29: 1447-1460.

[21] Xuetao Qiao#, Naili Zhang#, Chunyu Zhang*, Zhonghui Zhang, Xiuhai Zhao, Klaus von Gadow. 2021. Unravelling biodiversity-productivity relationships across a large temperate forest region. Functional Ecology 35: 2808-2820.

[22] Yanhong Wang #, Naili Zhang #, Minqiang Wang, Xiaobin He, Zhiqiang Lv, Jia Wei, Xiu Su, Aiping Wu, Yan Li*. 2021. Sex-Specific Differences in the Physiological and Biochemical Performance of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi-Inoculated Mulberry Clones Under SalinityStress. Frontiers in Plant Science 12: 614162.

[23] Yanhong Wang*, ShanyanLiu, Changliang Shao, Aiping Wu, Xiaobin He, Lina Xia, Xudong Wang, Yajing Qiu, Shuquan Yu, Jia Pei, Naili Zhang*. 2021. Enhancement of photosynthetic parameters and growth of Zelkova serrata by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi under simulated sulfuric acid rain. Plant Ecology 222: 1361-1374.

[24] Naili Zhang *, Bruelheide H, Yinong Li, Yu Liang, Tesfaye Wubet, Stefan Trogisch, Keping Ma. 2020. Community and neighbourhood tree species richness effects on fungal species in leaf litter. Fungal Ecology 47: 100961.

[25] Naili Zhang, Yinong Li, Tesfaye Wubet, Helge Bruelheide, Yu Liang, Witoon Purahong, François Buscot, Keping Ma *. 2018. Tree species richness and fungi in freshly fallen leaf litter: Unique patterns of fungal species composition and their implications for enzymatic decomposition. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 127: 120-126.

[26] Yinong Li, Xi Chen, G.F.(Ciska) Veen. Nico Eisenhauer, Yu Liang, Xiaomei Zhou*, Naili Zhang*, Keping Ma. 2018. Negative effects of litter richness on root decomposition in the presence of detritivores. Functional Ecology 32: 1079-1090.

[27] Naili Zhang*, Wim H Van der Putten, G.F (Ciska)Veen. 2016. Effects of root decomposition on plant–soil feedback of early– and mid–successional plant species. New Phytologist 212: 220-231.

[28] Naili Zhang, Shiqiang Wan, Jixun Guo, Guodong Han, Jessica L.M. Gutknecht, Bernhard Schmid, Yu Liang, Weixing Liu, Jie Bi, Zhen Wang, Keping Ma*. 2015. Precipitation modifies the effects of warming and nitrogen addition on soil microbial communities in northern Chinese grasslands. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 89: 12-23.

[29] Piao Song, Haibao Re, Qi Jia, Jixun Guo*, Naili Zhang*, Keping Ma. 2015. Effects of historical logging on soil microbial communities in a subtropical forest in southern China. Plant and Soil 397: 115-126.

[30] Naili Zhang, Weixing Liu, Haijun Yang, Xingjun Yu, Jessica L.M. Gutknecht, Zhe Zhang, Shiqiang Wan, Keping Ma*. 2013. Soil microbial responses to warming and increased precipitation and their implications for ecosystem C cycling. Oecologia 173: 1125-1142.

[31] Naili Zhang, Wenhua Xu, Xingjun Yu, Dan Lin, Shiqiang Wan*, Keping Ma. 2013. Impact of topography, annual burning and N addition on soil microbial communities in a semi-arid grassland. Soil Science Society of America Journal 77: 1214-1224.

[32]  Naili Zhang, Jianyang Xia, Xingjun Yu, Keping Ma, Shiqiang Wan*. 2011. Soil microbial community changes and their linkages with ecosystem carbon exchange under asymmetrically diurnal warming. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 43: 2053-2059.

[33] Jie Bi#, Naili Zhang#, Yu Liang*, Haijun Yang, Keping Ma. 2011. Interactive effects of water and nitrogen addition on soil microbial communities in a semiarid steppe. Journal of Plant Ecology 5: 320-329.

[34] Naili Zhang, Shiqiang Wan,Linghao Li, Jie Bi, Mingming Zhao, Keping Ma*. 2008. Impacts of urea N addition on soil microbial community in a semi-arid temperate steppe in northern China. Plant and Soil 311: 19-28.


张乃莉教授积极从事土壤改良技术和植物群落重建技术的研发,致力于服务露天矿区严重退化生态系统的恢复与可持续发展;同时,担任国家自然科学基金评审专家和教育部研究生毕业论文评审专家。承担New Phytologist, Journal of Ecology, Fungal Ecology, Ecological Indicator, Pedobiologia, Journal of Plant Ecology, Forest Ecosystem,《生物多样性》和《生态学报》等国内外学术期刊评审工作。在《生态学报》创刊40周年综合评优中,荣获优秀评审人奖项。


2014.04-2015.04 荷兰皇家生态研究所 访问学者

2015.08-2015.09 德国哥廷根大学 参加中德合作小组项目会议/德国生态学年会

2016.11-2016.12 德国马丁路德大学 执行中德合作交流项目

2017.12 比利时根特大学 参加欧洲生态学年会/访问根特大学

2018.03 德国综合生物多样性研究中心(iDiv 参加中德博士究生联合培养项目启动会

2018.12 德国综合生物多样性研究中心(iDiv 参加中德合作小组项目会议/iDiv生态学年会

2024.05 赴美参加中美项目研讨会

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