姓 名:于强
邮 箱:yuqiang@bjfu.edu.cn
2015.09–2018.07华体会网,搜狗百科,林学院林业装备与信息化专业 博士
2013.09–2015.07华体会网,搜狗百科,林学院地图学与地理信息系统专业 硕士
2009.09–2013.07天津农学院,园艺园林学院林学专业 学士
2021.01-至今 华体会网,搜狗百科,林学院地信学科 副教授
2024.10-至今 华体会网,搜狗百科,破格遴选为学术/专业博士研究生导师
2018.07-2020.12 华体会网,搜狗百科,林学院地信学科 讲师
2021.10-2024.10 华体会网,搜狗百科,破格遴选为学术/专业学位硕士研究生导师
2018.06-2020.07 华体会网,搜狗百科,森林经理学 博士后(导师:黄华国教授)
担任Sustainable Cities and Society、Journal of Cleaner Production、Forests、Remote Sensing、Ecological Indicators、Ecological Informatics、Journal of Environmental Management、Science of The Total Environment等SCI杂志审稿人。担任SCI二区top期刊Remote Sensing专刊编辑,组织专刊3项。
[1] 地球系统科学概论
[2] 土地评价与土地管理及实习
[3] 空间分析技术在林业调查中的应用及实习
[4] 地信综合实习
[1] 土地评价理论与方法
[2] 现代林业信息技术
[1] 土地评价前沿
[1] 主持校级课程思政教研教改专项课题项目《地球系统科学概论》
[1] 国家自然科学基金委,中蒙两国荒漠生态系统“结构组成-碳水过程-固沙固碳功能”耦合机理与优化研究,2023-01-01到2025-12-31,科研经费45万元,主持
[2] 国家林业和草原局,2023综合监测-荒漠化和沙化年度监测技术支撑,2024.05.17-2025.05.30,科研经费20万元,主持
[3] 国家重点研发计划子课题,川藏铁路工程对生物多样性影响监测、评估及生态环境保护关键技术,2023-04-01到2026-03-31,科研经费150万元,主持
[4] 国家重点研发计划子课题,典型区域森林地上碳储量估算方法及时空变化特征,2023-01-01到2025-12-31,科研经费40万元,主持
[5] 内蒙古科技厅揭榜挂帅项目,河套平原农田防护林提质增效技术,2024.05.01-2027.04.30,科研经费20万元,研究骨干
[6] 山东高速基础设施建设有限公司,山东省高速公路绿地碳汇能力评估方法及提升技术研究,2024.08.31-2027.05.31,科研经费71.76万元,主持
[7] 海南省三亚市城郊人民检察院,三亚崖州湾科技城新增古树及古树后续资源树龄鉴定,2023-11-01到2024-06-30,科研经费20万元,主持
[8] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,植被恢复格局对植被恢复格局对防风固沙生态屏障效应的影响机制研究,31800555,2021/01–2023/12,直接经费24万元,主持
[9] 水利部沙棘开发管理中心(水利部水土保持植物开发管理中心),水土保持植物示范推广建设规划编制,2024-03-15到2024-12-31,科研经费10.8万元,研究骨干
[10] 北京市水生态保护与水土保持中心,生产建设项目水土保持监管—林草园地、水域、温榆河公园变动情况分析,2023-06-25到2023-12-15,科研经费10万元,骨干参与
[11] 国家自然科学基金项目面上项目, 基于生态安全格局的荒漠绿洲区生态保护红线划定方法研究, 420071237,2021/01/01-2024/12/31,直接经费55万元,骨干参与
[12] 自然资源部,全国自然资源调查监测数据综合分析与评价,2020/01/01-2020/12/31,直接经费11.4万元,主持
[13] 国家重点研发计划子课题,“两屏三带”生态系统服务格局优化,2018/01/01-2021/12/31,直接经费60万元,骨干参与
[14] 国家重点实验室开放课题,雄安新区城市空间格局变化及对京津冀城市群影响,2019/01/01-2019/12/31,直接经费2万元,主持
[15] 自然资源部,全国自然资源调查监测数据分析评价总体思路与技术方法,2019/01/01-2019/30/30,直接经费30万元,主持
[16] 国家重点实验开放课题,西藏林芝色季拉山森林生态系统水源涵养服务功能评估及辐射效应研究,直接经费10万元,主持
[17] 中国博士后科学基金,荒漠绿洲区生态网络复杂系统特性及崩溃机理研究,2018/11/20-2020/07/01,直接经费5万元,主持
[18] 华体会网,搜狗百科科技创新计划项目,乌兰布和沙漠东北缘生态网络结构及其崩溃阈值研究,2019/01/01-2020/12/31,直接经费8万元,主持
[1] 孙维婕,何璐,于强,等.2010—2020年陕西省神木市生态环境质量时空演变及其驱动因素[J].水土保持通报,2024,44(01):284-292.DOI:10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2024.01.028. [2] Xu, C., Chen, X., Yu, Q.*, et al. Relationship between ecological spatial network and vegetation carbon use efficiency in the Yellow River Basin, China, GIScience & Remote Sensing, 61:1, DOI: 10.1080/15481603.2024.2318070 [3] Li, M., Yu Q.*, Xu, C., Zhao, J., Zeng, Y., Wang, Y., & Liu, Y. (2024). Research on the Carbon Sequestration Capacity of Forest Ecological Network Topological Features and Network Optimization Based on Modification Recognition in the Yellow River Basin Mining Area: A Case Study of Jincheng City. Remote Sensing, 16(11), 1986. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs16111986 [4] Zhao, J., Yu Q.*, Avirmed, B., Wang, Y., Orgilbold, M., Cui, H., Liu, Y., Lian, J., 2024. The relationship between structure and ecosystem services of forest and grassland based on pattern analysis method: A case study of the Mongolian Plateau. Sci. Total Environ. 948, 174700. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.174700 [5] Sun W., Yu Q.*, Xu, C., Zhao, J., Wang, Y., & Miao, Y. (2024). Construction and Optimization of Ecological Spatial Network in Typical Mining Cities of the Yellow River Basin: The Case Study of Shenmu City, Shaanxi. Ecological Processes, [6] 赵际剀,于强*,徐呈龙等.基于景观生态风险评估的景观生态网络的构建:以资源型城市临汾为例[J/OL].煤炭学报:1-14[2023-12-14].https://doi.org/10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2023.0642. [7] Zhao J., Yu Q.*, et al., Analysis of spatio-temporal patterns of vegetation carbon use efficiency in watershed ecosystem and construction of ecological network: a case study of the Yangtze River Basin, GIScience & Remote Sensing, 61:1, 2301275, DOI: 10.1080/15481603.2023.2301275 [8] Ai, M., Chen, X., Yu Q.*, 2024. Spatial correlation analysis between human disturbance intensity (HDI) and ecosystem services value (ESV) in the Chengdu-Chongqing urban agglomeration. Ecological Indicators 158:111555. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2024.111555 [9] Fei Wang, Yu Q.*, Shi Qiu, et al., Study on the relationship between topological characteristics of ecological spatial network and soil conservation function in southeastern Tibet, China, Ecological Indicators,2023,146:109791. [10] Wang, F.; Guo, H.; Zhang, Q.; Yu Q.*; Xu, C.; Qiu, S. Optimizing Ecological Spatial Network Topology for Enhanced Carbon Sequestration in the Ecologically Sensitive Middle Reaches of the Yellow River, China. Remote Sens. 2023, 15, 2308. [11] Yang, Z., Yu Q.*, Yang, Z., Peng, A., Zeng, Y., Liu, W., Zhao, J., Yang, D. Spatio-Temporal Dynamic Characteristics of Carbon Use Efficiency in a Virgin Forest Area of Southeast Tibet. Remote Sensing. 2023, 15(9), 2382. [12] Zeng, Y.;Yu Q.*.; Wang, X.; Ma, J.; Xu, C.; Qiu, S.; Liu, W.; Wang, F. Research on the Relationship between the Structure of Forest and Grass Ecological Spaces and Ecological Service Capacity: A Case Study of the Wuding River Basin. Remote Sens. 2023, 15(9), 2456. [13] Zhang, H.; Lin, S.; Yu, Q.; Gao, G.; Xu, C.; Huang, H. A Novel Forest EcoSpatial Network for Carbon Stocking Using Complex Network Theory in the Yellow River Basin. Remote Sens. [14] Xu, C., Zhang, Q., Yu Q.*, et al. Effects of land use/cover change on carbon storage between 2000 and 2040 in the Yellow River Basin, China. Ecological Indicators, 2023, 151. [15] Shi Qiu, Chenglong Xu, Fei Wang, Qiang Yu*, Potential Grading Refrig- eration System? Based on Urban Agglomeration Thermal Environment Analysis Perspective, Sustainable Cities and Society (2023), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2023.104736, 97 (2023) 104736 [16] Zeng Y, Chen X, Yang Z, Qiang Yu*. Study on the relationship between ecological spatial network structure and regional carbon use Efficiency: A case study of the Wuding river basin. Ecological Indicators, 2023, 155: 110909. [17] Xu, C., Yu Q.*, et al. Identifying and optimizing ecological spatial patterns based on the bird distribution in the Yellow River Basin, China. Journal of Environmental Management,2023,348:119293. [18] Zhao J., Yu Q.*, et al., “Integrated Approach for Ecological Restoration and Ecological Spatial Network Optimization with Multiple Ecosystem Functions in Mining Areas,” Ecological Indicators 156 (December 2023): 111141, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2023.111141. [19] Yang L., Niu, T., Yu Q.*, et al. Relationship between the Topological Structure and the Ecosystem Services of Forest Grass Ecospatial Network in China. Remote Sensing.2022,14,4700. [20] 刘维,于强,裴燕如,武英达,牛腾,王逸菲.黄河流域生态空间网络特征[J].华体会网,搜狗百科学报,2022,44(12):142-152. [21] Wang, X., Yu Q.*, Ma J., et al. Study and prediction of surface deformation characteristics of different vegetation types in the permafrost zone of Linzhi, Tibet. Remote Sensing.2022,14(18):4684. [22] Shi Qiu, Minzhe Fang, Yu Q.*, et al., Study of spatialtemporal changes in Chinese forest eco-space and optimization strategies for enhancing carbon sequestration capacity through ecological spatial network theory, Science of The Total Environment.2023,859(1):160035.2013. [23] Qiu, S., Niu, T., Yu Q.*., et al. Restoration and Renewal of Ecological Spatial Network in Mining Cities for the Purpose of Enhancing Carbon Sinks: The Case of Xuzhou, China. Ecological Indicators, 2022, 143, 109313. [24] Qiu, S., Yu Q.*., Niu, T., et al. Study on the Landscape Space of Typical Mining Areas in Xuzhou City from 2000 to 2020 and Optimization Strategies for Carbon Sink Enhancement. Remote Sensing. 2022, 14, 4185. [25] Ma, J., Yu Q.*, Wang, H., et al. Construction and Optimization of Wetland Landscape Ecological Network in Dongying City, China. Land 2022, 11, 1226. [26] Wang, X., Wang, R., Yu Q.*, et al. Study on the Structural Properties of an Ecospatial Network in Inner Mongolia and Its Relationship with NPP. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 4872. [27] Liu, H., Niu, T., Yu Q.*, et al. Evaluation of the Spatiotemporal Evolution of China’s Ecological Spatial Network Function–Structure and Its Pattern Optimization. Remote Sensing. 2022, 14, 4593. [28] Liu, H., Niu, T., Yu Q.*, et al. Spatial and temporal variations in the relationship between the topological structure of eco-spatial network and biodiversity maintenance function in China. Ecological Indicators, 2022, 139, 108919. [29] Guo H., Yu Q.*, Pei Y., et al. Optimization of landscape spatial structure aiming at achieving carbon neutrality in desert and mining areas[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 322: 129156. [30] Fang, M, Si, G, Yu Q.*, et al. Study on the Relationship between Topological Characteristics of Vegetation Ecospatial Network and Carbon Sequestration Capacity in the Yellow River Basin, China. Remote Sensing. 2021, 13, 4926. [31] Huang Y., Yu Q.*, Wang R. Driving factors and decoupling effect of carbon footprint pressure in China: Based on net primary production[J]. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2021, 167: 120722. [32] Liu, W., Yu, Q*., Niu, T., Yang, L., Liu, H. Inversion of Soil Heavy Metal Content Based on Spectral Characteristics of Peach Trees. Forests 2021, 12, 1208. [33] 马骏,裴燕如,王慧媛,于强*,牛腾,岳德鹏.鄂尔多斯—榆林地区景观生态风险评价及其驱动因子分析[J].水土保持通报,2022,42(02):275-283.DOI:10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2022.02.037. [34] 王戈,于强*,Yang Di,牛腾,龙芊芊.北京市区绿色空间滞尘分布反演研究[J].光谱学与光谱分析,2022,42(08):2572-2578. [35] 刘泓君,牛腾,于强*,苏凯,杨林哲,刘维,王慧媛.北京市平谷区桃林土壤重金属元素含量反演估测[J].光谱学与光谱分析,2022,42(11):3552-3558. [36] 仇实,于强*,杨林哲,马骏,王戈,岳德鹏.甘肃省土地沙化敏感性及生态空间网络优化[J].水土保持通报,2022,42(05):114-122+150. [37] 黄钰清,李骁尧,于强*,黄华国.1995-2018年黄河流域土地利用变化及驱动力分析[J].西北林学院学报,2022,37(06):113-121. [38] 刘泓君,牛腾,于强*,马骏,杨林哲,苏凯.基于“重要性—敏感性—景观特征”的黄土高原生态屏障带生态空间网络构建[J].水土保持通报,2022,42(03):103-111. [39] 王戈,于强*,YANG Di,等.基于复杂网络分析法的层级生态网络结构研究[J].农业机械学报,2019,50(07):258-266+312. [40] Su K., Yu Q.*, Yue D. P., et al. Simulation of a forest-grass ecological network in a typical desert oasis based on multiple scenes[J]. Ecological Modelling, 2019, 413(01), 108803. [41] Zhu J. Y., Yu Q.*, Zhu H., et al. Response of dust particle pollution and construction of a leaf dust deposition prediction model based on leaf reflection spectrum characteristics[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, doi:10.1007/s11356-019-06635-4. [42] 朱济友,于强*,刘晓希,等.叶片滞尘对大叶黄杨光谱特征的影响及其滞尘量预测研究[J].光谱学与光谱分析,2020,40(04)517-522. [43] 林龙圳,陈远书,马玮哲,林震,于强*.库布齐沙漠地区生态系统格局演变及其驱动力分析[J].华体会网,搜狗百科学报,2021,43(04):108-123. [44] 刘维,于强*,牛腾,杨林哲,刘泓君,闫飞.农用地土壤As元素与叶片光谱特征关系研究[J].光谱学与光谱分析,2021,41(09):2866-2871. [45] 裴燕如,孙炎浩,于强*,马骏,王慧媛,岳德鹏.黄河流域典型矿区生态空间网络优化——以鄂榆地区为例[J].煤炭学报,2021,46(05):218. [46] 于强,张启斌,牛腾,王戈,马骏,杨林哲.绿色生态空间网络研究进展[J].农业机械学报,2021,52(12):1-15. [47] 于强,刘智丽,岳德鹏,等.磴口县生态网络多情景模拟研究[J].农业机械学报,2018,49(02):182~190. [48] 于强,杨斓,岳德鹏,等.基于复杂网络分析法的生态空间网络结构研究[J].农业机械学报,2018,49(03):214~224. [49] Yu Q., Yue D. P., Wang Y. H., et al. Optimization of ecological node layout and stability analysis of ecological network in desert oasis: a typical case study of ecological fragile zone located at Deng Kou County (Inner Mongolia) [J]. Ecological Indicators, 2018, 84(01), 304-318. [50] 朱济友,于强*,YANG Di,等.基于eCognition软件的显微图像叶脉网络提取与优化[J].农业机械学报,2019,50(01):51-57. [51] 苏凯,于强*,YANG Di,等.基于多场景模型的沙漠-绿洲交错带林草生态网络模拟[J].农业机械学报,2019,50(09):243-253. [52] Yu Q., Jiang Q. O., Yang D., et al. Incorporating temporal and spatial variations of groundwater into the construction of a water-based ecological network: a case study in Denko County [J]. Water, 2017, 9(11), 864. [53] Yu Q., Yue D. P., Wang J. P., et al. The optimization of urban ecological infrastructure network based on the changes of county landscape patterns: a typical case study of ecological fragile zone located at Dengkou (Inner Mongolia) [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 163(10), S54-S67. [54] 于强,岳德鹏,张启斌,等.城市化背景下磴口县景观格局演变特征及生态网络构建[J].中国沙漠.2017,37(3):601~ 609. |
[1] 2022年,教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖科学技术进步二等奖:中国城乡绿地生态空间多尺度优化预测关键技术与应用。
[2] 2021年,国家林业和草原局梁希林业科学技术奖科技进步二等奖:林业定量遥感理论与应用关键技术。
[3] 2022年,中国大学生GIS软件开发竞赛遥感应用组获优秀指导教师奖。2022年,第二十届SuperMap杯高校GIS大赛分析组一等奖。2020年华体会网,搜狗百科教育教学研究论文三等奖。华体会网,搜狗百科第十六届青年教师基本功比赛校级三等奖。2022-2023年度优秀研究生学位论文指导教师。2023年,华体会网,搜狗百科社会实践活动先进工作者。2023年度华体会网,搜狗百科林学院就业工作优秀班主任、就业指导优秀导师。2019-2020年度优秀研究生班主任、优秀本科生班主任。“不忘初心、牢记使命”学习标兵。