姓 名:范鑫磊
2014 – 2016 华体会网,搜狗百科,林学院森林保护学科 博士
2011 – 2014华体会网,搜狗百科,林学院森林保护学科 硕士
2007 – 2011上海海洋大学,生命学院生物技术 学士
2016.07-至今 华体会网,搜狗百科,林学院森林保护学科 讲师
[1] 植物病原学
[2] 微生物资源保护和利用
[3] 观赏植物病虫害防治
[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,中国间座壳目的分类和系统学研究,2017/01–2020/12,65万元,参与
[1] Fan XL, Bezerra JDP, Tian CM, et al. (2018) Families and genera of diaporthalean fungi associated with canker and dieback of tree hosts. Persoonia 40: 119–134.
[2] Fan XL, Yang Q, Bezerra JDP, et al. (2018) Diaporthe from walnut tree (Juglans regia) in China, with insight of the Diaporthe eres complex. Mycological Progress 17: 1–13.
[3] Fan X L, Barreto RW, Groenewald JZ, et al. (2017). Phylogeny and taxonomy of the scab and spot anthracnose fungus Elsinoë (Myriangiales, Dothideomycetes). Studies in mycology 87: 1–41.
[4] Fan XL, Du Z, Liang YM, Tian CM* (2016). Melanconis (Melanconidaceae) associated with Betula spp. in China. Mycological Progress 15: 1–9.
[5] Fan XL, Du Z, Hyde KD, Liang YM, Pan YP, Tian CM* (2016). Cryptosporella platyphylla, a new species associated with Betula platyphylla in China. Phytotaxa 253: 285–292.
[6] Fan XL, Yang Q, Cao B, Liang YM, Tian CM* (2015). New record of Aplosporella javeedii on five hosts in China based on multi-gene analysis and morphology. Mycotaxon 130: 749–756.
[7] Fan XL, Hyde KD, Udayanga D, Wu XY, Tian CM* (2015). Diaporthe rostrata, a novel ascomycete from Juglans mandshurica associated with walnut dieback. Mycological Progress 14: 1–8.
[8] Fan XL, Hyde KD, Liu JK, Liang YM, Tian CM* (2015). Multigene phylogeny and morphology reveals Phaeobotryon rhois sp. nov. (Botryosphaeriales, Ascomycota). Phytotaxa 205: 90–98.
[9] Fan XL, Hyde KD, Yang Q, Liang YM, Ma R, Tian CM* (2015). Cytospora species associated with canker disease of three anti-desertification plants in northwestern China. Phytotaxa 197: 227–244.
[10] Fan XL, Hyde KD, Liu M, Liang YM, Tian CM* (2015). Cytospora species associated with walnut canker disease in China, with description of a new species C. gigalocus. Fungal Biology 119: 310–319.
[11] Fan XL, Liang YM, Ma R, Tian CM* (2014). Morphological and phylogenetic studies of Cytospora (Valsaceae, Diaporthales) isolates from Chinese scholar tree, with description of a new species. Mycoscience 55: 252–259.
[12] Fan XL, Tian CM*, Yang Q, Liang YM, You CJ, Zhang YB (2014). Cytospora from Salix in northern China. Mycotaxon 129: 303–315.
[13] Du Z, Fan XL*, Yang Q, Tian CM (2017). Host and geographic range extensions of Melanconiella, with a new species M. cornuta in China. Phytotaxa 327: 252–260.
[14] Zhu HY, Tian CM, Fan XL (2018) Multigene phylogeny and morphology reveal Cytospora spiraeae sp. nov. (Diaporthales, Ascomycota) in China. Phytotaxa 338: 49–62.
[15] Zhu HY, Tian CM, Fan XL (2018) Studies of botryosphaerialean fungi associated with canker and dieback of tree hosts in Dongling Mountain of China. Phytotaxa, 348: 63–76.
[16] Du Z, Fan XL, Hyde KD, Yang Q, Liang YM, Tian CM* (2016) Phylogeny and morphology reveal two new species of Diaporthe from Betula spp. in China. Phytotaxa 269: 90–102.
[17] Du Z, Fan XL, Yang Q, et al. (2017) Aplosporella ginkgonis (Aplosporellaceae, Botryosphaeriales), a new species isolated from Ginkgo biloba in China. Mycosphere, 8: 1246–1252.
[18] Ma R, Zhu YF, Fan XL, Tian CM* (2016) Canker disease of willow and poplar caused by Cryptosphaeria pullmanensis recorded in China. Forest Pathology 46: 327–335.
[19] Wu ZQ, Fan XL, Yang T, Tian CM*, Liang YM, Ma YF, Zhang SL (2014). New record of Setomelanomma holmii on Picea crassifolia in China based on morphological and molecular data. Mycotaxon 128: 105–111.
[20] Yang Q, Fan XL, Crous PW, Liang YM, & Tian CM*. (2015). Cytospora from Ulmus pumila in Northern China. Mycological Progress 14: 1–12.
[21] Yang Q, Fan XL, Du Z, Tian CM*. (2017) Diaporthe species occurring on Senna bicapsularis in southern China, with descriptions of two new species. Phytotaxa, 302(2): 145–155.
[22] Yang Q, Fan XL, Du Z, Tian CM*. (2017) Diaporthe juglandicola sp. nov. (Diaporthales, Ascomycetes), evidenced by morphological characters and phylogenetic analysis. Mycosphere, 8(5): 817–826.
[23] Yang Q, Fan XL, Du Z, Liang YM, Tian CM* (2017). Diaporthe camptothecicola sp. nov. on Camptotheca acuminata in China. Mycotaxon 132: 591–601.
SCI期刊Fungal Systematics and Evolution、Novel Research in Microbiology Journal编委
2015.8 – 2016.8 荷兰皇家科学院真菌生物多样性中心(Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute)